Our Products

Our company, which has high printing quality, can make fast and flexible production with our expert staff, has adopted the principle of keeping the service quality at the highest level by closely following your products after production.

About Us
About Us

The main activity of our company is the production of printed and unprinted market bags.

ULUISIK Plastik aims to produce products that comply with the expectations of its customers and legal regulations and to take all necessary precautions for this, to initiate and continue the necessary activities. Although Uluışık Plastics was established in 2010, it has a large image in the sector with its 10 years of experience.
Our Mission

Müşteri memnuniyeti ve dürüstlüğü ön planda tutarak eğerleri doğrultusunda sektörde saygın, itibarlı ve güvenilir bir firma olduğunu kanıtlamıştır

Our Vision

By prioritizing customer satisfaction and honesty, it has proven to be a respected, reputable and reliable company in the sector in line with its values.


Printed and unprinted
market bag production

ULUISIK Plastik aims to produce products that comply with the expectations of its customers and legal regulations and to take all necessary precautions for this, to initiate and continue the necessary activities. Although Uluışık Plastics was established in 2010, it has a large image in the sector with its 10 years of experience.